What is a business mindset and how can it bring you success? We know other people can be successful running a business. But is your business successful? Do you know how to make it successful if it’s not? This is a question I often hear from potential clients as well as my own clients: can I be successful? The thing is, success can look differently depending on your business. But we often see people out there doing lives on Instagram and Facebook, selling products, looking happy and we think “that’s what success looks like.” And maybe they are successful. 

But you may not be feeling that way right now and you’re wondering how you can get there. Whether you’re new in business or trying to go through a growth phase in your business, a business mindset is key to moving forward and gaining success.

How to Create a Business Mindset

Recently, I spoke with a hypnotist about perspective. Perspective is how we move forward. And life’s perspective is how we make progress in our business. Many times when you’re trying to grow your business and something feels uncertain, you’ll start to doubt yourself. You might begin to wonder if you’ll ever be successful. “Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m not meant to do this.” Many of the people that come to work with me feel stuck like this and aren’t making progress. But the way you can make progress is to change your perspective. 

You don’t need anybody to give you permission to make progress in your business. That is the number one block that so many entrepreneurs have, it’s because they’re waiting for the right thing, the right information, trying to find the perfect solution to a problem or roadblock.

But waiting is really just blocking your growth. Choose to see yourself as the CEO of  your life and company – because that’s what you are! It’s time to step into that role and make your own progress.

How to Be the CEO of Your Life

So what does it look like to be the CEO of your life?

Start by getting clear on what you want to happen in your business. Take the time to reflect and organize your ideas. What are your goals for your business? Write them out and put them in a place where you can see them every day.

Sometimes we get caught up in the busyness of tasks and actions that we create for ourselves. So it’s always a good idea to take a step back and reevaluate as well. Consider what’s working in your business, what isn’t working in your business, and how you want to move forward with your business so that you can achieve the goals that you set for yourself. 

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Reflect on Your Business Mindset with Keep, Start, Stop

There’s a great tool that you can use to reflect and evaluate for yourself what’s happening right now in your business called Keep, Start, Stop. To begin, you start brainstorming what you like in your business and your life. What are you doing well that you want to stick with? Maybe it’s that you’re making time to meditate every morning, maybe it’s that you’re finishing your workday before you have to pick up kids from school.

Maybe it’s that you’re accomplishing a big goal for your business, like creating a webinar or a new course that you want to launch. Write down all the things that you like and you want to keep. These are all the things you’re doing well and are successes. You can and should celebrate these things as the CEO of your life. 

Think about what you want to stop doing in your business or life

Next, think about what you want to stop doing in your business or life. Write those down as well. Maybe you’re spending more time on customer service and that’s not something that you enjoy. Or it might be that you’re not as organized as you want to be and that’s keeping you from growing and running an efficient business. These are the things you aren’t doing well or the things that you don’t like and might want to outsource. Remember, you are the CEO of your life. Focus on what you’re good at!

And as you’re working through what you want to keep and what you want to stop, you’ll start to think of more things that you want to start to do. You’ll start to change your business mindset from running from task to task to mindfully choosing which aspects of your business deserve your attention. You choose what you want to happen each day. Then plan time in your schedule to accomplish it. 

Step Into Your CEO Mindset

What is a business mindset? It’s about becoming the CEO of your business and life. And you can grow your business mindset by using tools like Keep, Start, Stop. Take some time to get clear on what you want to start, stop and keep and I know that you’ll be able to step into your CEO mindset and start to find your success.

Does becoming the CEO of your business and life seem daunting? I would love to coach you to build your business to its fullest potential. Schedule a call with me to get started growing your business mindset.