Hustle or anti-hustle? Which is better for your business? I believe you should have a little bit of both. There’s a lot of information out there about manifesting what you want in your business, how to let things come to you, and how to shift your energy to call in more abundance in your life. I’m all about that. There’s also a lot of information out there and a lot of programs that you can purchase about how to hustle, how to set up a webinar for your business, how to add a new product to your business, and how to scale your business. I’m all about that, too. 

That’s why I want to talk about the difference today. If you want to call in more abundance in your business and in your life without only having to hustle, here are some tips on how you can achieve that. 

Get Clear On Your Goals

A great place to start manifesting and calling for more abundance in your life is to get really clear on what you want. This doesn’t mean deciding how many leads you want for this new product you’re putting out. It’s not how many dollars you want to bring in, exactly. Though these are good goals to set, what I mean here is figuring out how you want to feel when you make this next shift in your business. What do you want this to achieve for you? Is it going to bring you to that next income level so you can add on more team members? Is it outsourcing certain steps so you don’t have to hustle all the time? Whatever it is for you, get really clear on what you want to happen next for your business and start there. 

Spend some time trying to get yourself into that energy. For you this could be meditating, journaling, or just taking a walk. Find something that helps you get some clarity on what you want to call on in your business. 

This time is not about the hustle. You’re letting yourself pause and get in tune with your intuition. It’s not the time to go go go in your business. We don’t want to just do all the time, we also want to learn how to be. That’s something that we can all always get better at. 

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Is Hustle a Bad Word?

This is where the hustle part comes in. If you want to achieve new things and have a different level of success, you have to do different things. You have to try something different to get something different, because if you keep doing the same actions, you’ll keep getting the same results. The quiet time you spend meditating or taking a walk will help you come up with that different choice. Once you’re really clear on what you want and are ready to make it happen, it’s time to hustle. 

Hustle is a real thing. It’s not a dirty word. Some people feel that you shouldn’t have to hustle to get what you want in life. I don’t agree with that. However, I think there’s an easier way to do it. I truly believe that starting with getting clear on what you want to bring in more of that abundance can make the hustle not feel so much like a hustle. When we give ourselves that space, that’s when good things happen. 

Hustling is really about working hard to make what you want actually happen and be successful. It’s the time to lay out the steps of what needs to happen. Assign tasks to the team, get the product or the project going, and monitor what it looks like. Many programs that I’ve seen are full of people who don’t want to hustle. I believe it’s unrealistic to think that you don’t have to put some energy and grit into achieving a goal. The difference is how you’ll feel about it. It won’t feel like a hustle to do something, necessarily, if it’s something that you feel really clear about and you really know that you want.

Hustle vs Hard Work

The difference is having that time to get that clarity will make it not feel like a hustle. It’s worth it to work hard at work worth doing.

I want to share with you a story of one of the clients that I’m working with. This client is creating a new program for her business and it’s going to help serve so many more people. She was really making progress on a group coaching program, but then things happened, and she didn’t get to make the progress that she wanted. With that came some disappointment. We got into a situation where we had to realize for her that the stress was that she wasn’t bringing in enough money at this moment to help be able to maintain her business in a way that made her family comfortable. 

So we stopped working on the new program for a short period of time. We started to call in more abundance in the form of money. We wanted more money to come in so she can support herself. There was this shift that happened immediately when we did that. We started doing those hustle actions, reaching out to clients she’s worked with in the past, putting out their posts on social media about being available to work with clients and to coach them. Immediately she got three new clients from that. 

It was so impressive to see and it was such a good reminder – for me and for her – that it is okay to hustle. It is okay to be realistic with yourself about the goals that you’re setting for yourself. Whatever level your business is, everybody needs money and revenue to help their business keep growing. 

Hustle or Anti-Hustle: Conclusion

So I encourage you to really think about hustle or anti-hustle but be open to both. Don’t be anti-hustle. It’s okay to have times where you hustle and and times where you take a pause for a moment because that could help lead you to the next big thing in your business. 

I would love to coach you to build your business to its fullest potential.