How do you create marketing content for your business? This blog is everything you need to know about content creation, from soup to nuts, starting with planning your content to getting it out there.

How to Create Content Marketing Strategy

The first step to create marketing content is to come up with a list. I have a client that had some great ideas for content, but was not feeling confident about how to get it out there. So I helped her come up with a list of marketing content ideas. This helped her feel a little more confident about what she wanted to share.

After you have your list, do a Google search of each topic. When I did this with my client, we saw what other people were sharing about that content to see if it was a topic that might be worth pursuing. This is a great step to see if people are searching for a particular topic. 

The next thing I did for my client was help her come up with titles for the content she wanted to create. A title should be something that gets people to want to click on a link during a Google search of your topic. I have a tool that I really like to use called CoSchedule Headline Analyzer. This tool can help you modify the title so that it’s something that really will draw people in and they’ll want to click on it. 

Manage Your Time When Creating Content

My client ended up spending too much time analyzing the headline, however, and that’s something to be mindful of for yourself and your business. Plan the amount of time that you want to spend on each of the activities I outline in this blog so that you don’t spend too long in one area and end up getting stuck on it. If you’re finding that a tool is making you feel stuck, then it’s not a tool for you. 

It’s also good to sit down with a calendar and think about what’s coming up in the next couple of months that you might want to be talking about. For example, if you coach women on living a better life, let’s say, and it’s just before back to school time, you might not want to be putting out brand new content then when a lot of women won’t be online to search it. Or if your market is in the US, you might not want to put things out during, say, Labor Day weekend when a lot of people are away. 

After you’ve made a list of ideas and come up with a few headlines like my client did, you want to think about your content pillars. What are you about as a brand? What do you like to share with people? Also, what are some fun things you can add into the schedule to mix things up and not always hit the pain points of your ideal customer? 

How to Create Marketing Content

I recommend starting with a longer form piece of content, such as a blog or a podcast. And from there, creating marketing content for your social media to help promote that piece of long form content. So many clients I work with end up writing the most amazing Instagram captions and Facebook posts that should really be more permanent products on their website. 

The purpose of social media is to help drive traffic to your website to engage with your clients as well as grow leads for your business. So choose from your content the best portions that help do that. You can pull some video content and create a reel, pull some quotes from the video to create a few static images or a carousel post to help share information. You can even share the entire video on social media. These are all things that will be helpful for you to post and gain an audience for you to later retarget them in ads.

After you’ve made a list of ideas and come up with a few headlines like my client did, you want to think about your content pillars. What are you about as a brand? What do you like to share with people? Also, what are some fun things you can add into the schedule to mix things up and not always hit the pain points of your ideal customer? 

You also want to have a way that people can opt-in with their email by giving them a freebie or tool. One of the best ways to share your knowledge is blogging.  You can create one main piece of content, and repurpose it in so many ways. Get my free guide below and I’ll show you how!

How to Promote Your Business on Social Media

Now that you’ve created this beautiful piece of content on your website and you feel really good about it, what do you do with it? You promote it on social media with the posts you created. The best strategy is to share your content over a three to four week period of time. Remember, only a low percentage of your followers will actually see your content. So you need to make sure that you’re sharing about this new piece of content that you’ve created multiple times in multiple different ways. Because you never know what’s going to strike someone one day that really draws them in. 

So don’t be afraid. Don’t just create a piece of content for your website and put it out there on social media. And if you don’t get the engagement you want, don’t just give up. You can do some testing to let you see what people are really interested in and what is going to get people to actually want to click and come to your website. 

I promise that you can’t fail here. You can either succeed, or you can learn something. If you use this strategy, it will definitely give you data to help you make decisions in your business about how to create content and how to get people in. 

Create Marketing Content Like a Business

Treat this process like you would any part of your business. Especially if you’re doing your own social media or if you have a team doing your social media for you and your business. It’s really important that data is what makes decisions. I always recommend collecting data about engagement, follows, likes, comments, hiding things, or unfollowing related to each piece of content. Use this data to help you decide if your audience likes that content. Does that resonate with them? 

I remember one business where I was an employee years ago did this with some memes. It turned out that the audience actually really didn’t favor them. We had gotten a lot of unfollows from that. So you have to be aware of the data to help you make a decision not to personally feel bad about it. But to help you decide what’s the next best thing you should do in your business. 

And if you have a social media manager in your business, it’s really great to have the Social Media Manager collect that data every week so that they can use that to change their own behavior about how they’re managing your social media. What I like to do is have a meeting each week to look at the data together and to get from the Social Media Manager their recommendations on what type of changes we should make to continue to achieve our engagement goals and our growth goals. And if you’re managing your social media yourself, make an appointment with yourself to do the data analysis. It’s really good to be able to neutrally observe your business and take a step back. 


So if you’re struggling to create marketing content that’s going to be good and engaging for your audience, create content based on strategies. Direct all social media posts back to one piece of content on your website so that you can collect data on the engagement of the content to see if it helped you achieve your goals. If it didn’t, make an action plan on how you can improve for the next week in the business. 

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