Have you ever wondered how to improve your marketing strategy?

There’s a lot of noise out there when it comes to marketing and it can often get confusing.

Different social media platforms are popping up and new tactics seemingly emerge by the day, making it hard to keep up with the latest trends.

Marketing is the process of getting your product, service, or message out to the world.

It includes everything from social media posts and email blasts, to website design, content writing, and more.

It’s a broad term that covers a range of activities and initiatives, all aimed at increasing the visibility of you and your business, as well as boosting awareness and engagement.

Why Marketing is Important for Your Business?

Marketing is essential for any business to succeed. Without it, your business won’t be as visible, and you won’t be able to reach potential customers.

It’s also essential for keeping your current customers informed and engaged.

To list some of the key benefits of marketing: 

    • Increased Brand Awareness: Through marketing, you can spread the word about your business and its products and services, and create a positive brand image. 
    • Improved Sales: Effective marketing strategies can generate more leads, higher conversion rates, and an increase in overall sales.
    • Increased Customer Loyalty: By providing customers with relevant information and engaging content, you can establish a stronger connection with them, leading to higher customer retention rates.
    • Cost-Effective Advertising: With the right plan and strategy in place, you can generate more qualified leads and increase sales without breaking the bank. 
    • Insights: With the help of marketing analytics and data, you can gain valuable insights into your customers, their needs and wants, and the competitive landscape. 

While marketing may seem overwhelming, with the right approach and a positive mindset, you can successfully market your business and reach your desired outcomes.

What’s more? A thoughtful marketing strategy combined with consistent effort and dedication can help you build a strong presence in your industry and connect with your target audience.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things – the more you learn and adapt, the closer you’ll get to achieving your marketing goals.

So stay optimistic, stay focused, and keep moving towards your marketing success! And if you’re not sure how to get started, I have a resource on

Take Your Marketing to the Next Level

I’ve seen a lot of people try to improve their marketing strategy. When they succeed, they gain an edge over their competitors and enjoy the rewards of being ahead of the curve.

What if you could take your marketing to the next level? How can you create a marketing strategy that is alive and constantly evolving and improving? 

I recently had a client who was struggling to grow her online course business. We worked together to analyze her existing marketing efforts, identify areas for improvement, and developed a comprehensive marketing plan.

Over the course of a few months, we saw significant growth in her social media following, email list, and website traffic, resulting in a significant increase in revenue from consistent course sales. She was thrilled with the results!

I’ve put together a list of five proven tactics that I believe can offer your brand and content some serious lift.

Improving Your Marketing Strategies: How to Get the Most Out of Your Efforts

Whether you’re just starting out in your business, going through a major marketing change, or simply keeping up with the times, this guide can help you.

1. Conduct a Research

The first step to improving your marketing strategy is looking at factors outside of your marketing strategy. Marketing is about constantly changing and adapting to the needs of your customers.

And remember, the key to staying relevant in today’s fast-paced world is research. You need to know what’s happening especially in your industry and with your customers, as well as know what’s going on with your competitors.

If you’re not paying attention, you could be missing out on opportunities that could make a huge difference in the success of your business.

So, conduct research and draw out information and insights from the following categories.

1. Industry Trends

    • What are the latest industry trends? 
    • What are people talking about? 
    • What are they sharing? What are they buying? 
    • How can this information help you develop a better understanding of what your audience needs?

2. Competitive Research

    • Who are your primary competitors?
    • What products or services do they offer?
    • How does my product or service offering compare?
    • Do they provide additional value?
    • What’s their unique value proposition?
    • What are their primary marketing channels?
    • What are customers saying about them?
    • How do they price their products or services?
    • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
    • How are you different from them?

3. Audience Research

    • What are the problems your audience faces? What do they struggle with? 
    • What are the values of these customers? What do they want?
    • Where do they turn to find answers and solutions?
    • What social media channels and platforms do they use?

4. Keyword Research

    • What keywords are related to your industry?
    • What terms are most commonly searched for?
    • What terms can you optimize for in organic search rankings?

2. Audit your Existing Brand Presence

Once you’re aware of the competition in your industry and have examined your own brand, it is time to take a closer look at each platform where your brand has been present in the past.

Analyzing these platforms can help to form a more complete and accurate picture of your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth.

By analyzing past performance on these platforms, you will be able to make more informed decisions on future marketing efforts, allowing your brand to strategically position itself for success in the future.

“A brand is an amazing asset, and it takes time and dedication to build a successful presence, but it’s worth the effort. It’s an investment with long-term rewards that keep on giving.”

How to Audit Your Marketing:

    • Examine your website, social networks, emails, advertising, and sales material.
    • Analyze and evaluate metrics and data for each platform.
    • Conduct a comprehensive SEO and content audit of your website.
    • Perform an Internet search for your company to see if it is mentioned on other websites.
    • Check out mentions of your brand on social media.

3. Revisit or Create Your Marketing Strategy

    Next, evaluating your marketing strategy should include analyzing your product or brand’s customer base, competition, target markets, overall market trends, and available resources.

    “Having a marketing strategy provides direction to the tactics used to promote your brand.”

      It is important to create a strategy that is tailored to the customer’s needs and desires, as well as the resources available. This includes considering budget, timelines, personnel and technology needed to produce the desired outcome. 

      When creating or updating a strategy, you should consider both the short-term objectives as well as the longer-term goals. The strategy should also be flexible, allowing for changes as new trends or technologies evolve.

      Finally, it is essential to clearly document the strategy and keep it front of mind when making marketing decisions. This will ensure that the strategy is implemented in the right way to help reach the desired goals.

      A marketing strategy should answer questions such as:
        • What is the story behind your brand?
        • What are your mission, vision, and values?
        • What problems do you solve for your customers?
        • What’s your unique selling proposition (USP)? 
        • Who are your ideal customers, and how can you reach them?
        • How do you share your USP with your ideal customers?

      4. Test New Marketing Tactics

        Now, you can make informed changes to your marketing tactics. It’s worth noting that you don’t want to make changes just for the sake of change, but rather because new information is available. 

        Moreover, if something works, keep doing it to garner incremental growth toward reaching your sweet spot of conversion. If something isn’t working, stop doing it. And in the meantime, try new things to see what will produce the best results.

        “Great marketing is all about trying new tactics, testing them, and then repeating what works. This is how you scale your growth, making a bigger impact in your field and increasing consistent revenue for your business.”

        If you want to improve your marketing strategy, consider what you learned in steps one through three and decide if you need to try new tactics to breathe new life into your marketing.

        • What can you do to make your existing marketing strategy more successful?
        • What are some ways you can change the messaging, audience, or product positioning to be more effective?
        • Which marketing channels have you not explored that you should try?
        • What marketing channels are you using that have proven effective and you should continue to invest in?
        • Is the data collected segmented enough to make decisions for improvement?

        5. Set Goals, Review Data and Tweak

          Lastly, it’s important to try new marketing tactics, but also to measure their effectiveness. That way, you can determine what works and what doesn’t and improve your efforts over time.

          I have a Stats Tracking Template that will help you do just that. If you want to grab this freebie, you can do that here.

          “Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.” – Amrita Sahasrabudhe

          When you launch a new marketing strategy, set key performance indicators and make sure that you have the right tools to help you collect and analyze data. Use reporting tools for:

          • Google Data (Google Data Studio consolidates data from Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Search Console)
          • Customer Relationship Management Tools  – or whatever your sales team uses for deal flow
          • Sales and Point-of-Sale Systems 
          • Email Marketing 
          • Social Media Marketing

            Finally, don’t forget to talk to the sales team or customer service team if you have one! They can give you a lot of insight into what’s working and what’s not working.

            Use this data to set specific goals, measure results, and get an accurate understanding of which marketing tactics are worth investing in and which ones should be scaled back.

            With that, doing this regularly can help you maximize your investments, stay ahead of the competition, and increase the success of your marketing strategy.

            If you’re wondering if your business marketing is on point to scale to multi-6-figures, I invite you to receive your customized Scaling Appraisal.